You Really Should be Using Video in Your Social Media

Crash course on using video in your social media marketing

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how about a video? Well – if you’re talking to Generation Z, which now comprises 40% of total U.S. consumers, and wields a $143 billion buying clout, then a whole lot! 

Gone are the days of flowery descriptions and meandering paragraphs, especially when it comes to social media. Humans are visual creatures, and people of the modern world prefer to watch videos, whether it’s for information gathering purposes or for entertainment. The pandemic pushed even the most reluctant among us online. Product review videos, how-tos, live demos, interviews, webinars, and the like, are growing in popularity. 

Videos give you an opportunity to tell a story and connect with your audience authentically. They get more exposure, bringing your content to new audiences. Videos generate more engagement than any other content type and improve conversions from audience to customers. What’s not to love? 

Businesswoman wearing a cape and mask, flying through the sky

10 Tips for Successful Video Content

1. Grab Attention

Your audience has to care enough to stop scrolling. Think about what captures their attention and hook them!

2. Focus on Your Messaging

Your videos should be a part of your overarching marketing strategy. The purpose is to bring attention to your brand. Make sure that your video has at least one of these qualities – entertainment, inspiration, or education.

3. Drive Conversion

You don’t want people to just watch your videos, you want them to act on them. If your goal is to grow your audience, then you want them to come back for more. If it’s to sell a product or a service, then you want them to purchase it from you. Add a call to action to your video and direct your audience to follow the lead. 

4. Deliver Relevant Content

Following the trends, checking out popular hashtags, taking advantage of news stories, and understanding consumer behavior will help you create videos that are relevant and timely.

5. Personify Your Business

Invite people in and give them a peek behind the scenes. Let them witness the magic happening in real-time. Introduce the team to them. Share your process with them. There’s nothing like a personal investment to elevate your business.

6. Re-Share

If you’re strapped for time, ideas or resources, consider opting for user-generated content. Re-share videos that your customers have created about your products or services. Have them be the ambassadors of your brand!

7. Brand Exposure

Let your videos speak for you, but make sure to add your logo or watermark. The rabbit hole of videos should still lead back to your brand!

8. Good Quality

You don’t need a Hollywood budget or fancy equipment to make a great video. Today’s user-friendly technology makes it easy to get creative. Just make sure your videos will work on all social channels you’re sharing them on, and are easy to watch with or without sound.

9. Search Optimization

Use compelling descriptions with search-friendly keywords and natural language. Create concise and intriguing headlines. And as always, don’t forget the hashtags!

10. Track Engagement

We keep saying this, don’t we? Track the data! Which videos are working? Which ones are falling flat? Tracking will help you understand what’s clicking with your audience.

Types Of Videos To Use

  • Educational: Informative video that creates brand awareness and sets you apart as an expert. Use them to share tips, tricks, guides, and how-tos.
  • Behind the Scenes: Introduce your company, employees, work process, and other tidbits from behind the curtain. 
  • Interviews: Invite guest speakers, influencers, and other inspiring people from your community who will help your brand shine.
  • Entertainment: Let’s face it, sometimes we just want to see a cute baby goat video that delivers laughs and good cheer.
  • Testimonials: Use these to highlight customers’ satisfaction with your products or services.

Which Platform Works The Best?

The platform that will work the best is the one that you will use for your social media marketing consistently and with ease. With that said, here is a brief summary:

  • YouTube – Videos are the primary form of communication on YouTube. People often search videos here for problem-solving, instructions, how-tos, and reviews.
  • Facebook – The audience on Facebook is more interested in entertainment or inspiration than in education. Unlike on YouTube, most people (85%) watch Facebook videos with sound off, so make sure to add captions.
  • LinkedIn – As a business and employment-oriented network, videos on LinkedIn are career-related, product, company, or feature-centric, giving you an opportunity to show off as a subject matter expert. 
  • Twitter – Just like everything on Twitter, the shelf-life of videos there is short, and the medium is better suited for in-the-moment and off-the-cuff videos.
  • Instagram – Instagram is a visual platform with images and videos, and many tools for annotating videos with text, emojis, gifs, and stickers. 
  • Pinterest – Mostly used as a discovery platform for gifts, recipes, and design inspiration, this is a great place for actionable how-to videos.
  • TikTok – Keep in mind that TikTok uses exclusively vertical videos. Use it for lip-syncing or dances, micro sketches, memes, or challenges.

Videos are not only widely popular and cost-effective, but they also offer a great way to connect with your audience and humanize your brand. They allow you to showcase products in a dynamic way, share the values of your brand, and provide education, inspiration, and enjoyment for your audience.

Get recording!


Keywords: social media management, marketing, digital marketing, social media, 10 ideas for video posts, video.

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